UAE Golden Visa | How do I apply, and what are the benefits?

I wonder if you can apply for a longer stay. We’ve got you covered!

The UAE Gold Visa is one of the most sought-after documents in town. It’s basically your ticket to an extended stay in Dubai, and it’s not as hard to get as you might think.

When it was first launched, the visa was awarded to residents who had made an exceptional contribution to the country, were highly qualified in specific areas, or worked in key sectors.

However, in 2024, the process became much more open, and you may be eligible.

This year could also be easier, as could the minimum payment required for real estate investors to apply for a revocable golden visa. You may also like: Complete Guide to UAE Residence and Tourist Visa

Read your essential guide to the golden visa, including how to apply and a list of all the benefits. Or go a step further and visit here to find out how to get UAE citizenship.

What is the UAE Golden Visa?

If you have a golden UAE visa, you have the right to stay for five to ten years. This right of residence is not tied to a particular employer and does not have to be renewed every two to three years. result:

Who can apply for a golden visa?

According to the latest changes to the UAE Residency and Entry Program, more people can apply for a Golden Resident Visa.

Individuals belonging to these categories are eligible to apply: investors, entrepreneurs, exceptional talents, scientists and professionals, outstanding students and alumni, humanitarian pioneers, and frontline heroes.

More information on each category is provided below.

1. Investors

Are you hosting in the UAE? Property investors can get a UAE Golden Visa if they buy a property worth at least Dh2 million. And as of January 24th, in an update, equity is no longer a fee.

Property investors can qualify for a golden visa if the property is worth AMD 2 million or more, regardless of whether it is under construction, completed, or mortgaged. There is no minimum payment required to apply for a visa.

You may also be eligible for a golden visa if you have made a significant public investment, including a capital investment of at least Dh2 million, if you are a partner in a company with a capital of at least Dh2 million, or if you are: a letter from the federal tax authority stating that either you pay 250,000 DH per year to the government or you are a partner in an institution that pays 250,000 DH per year in taxes.

2. Entrepreneurs

  • The applicant must be a partner or have a start-up business registered as a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) in the UAE. The company must generate an annual turnover of at least 1 million drams.
  • The entrepreneur must have founded a business project that was sold for more than 7 million drams.
  • The applicant has a license to start an official business incubator.

3. Outstanding talents

Individuals with exceptional talents such as inventors, innovators, and talents in vital fields such as culture, the arts, sports, and digital technology can apply for and obtain a UAE Golden Visa regardless of their educational qualifications, employment status, monthly salary, or professional level.

The visa requires a recommendation or approval from the federal or local government. This can apply to doctors, athletes, inventors, and artists.

4. Scientists

Scholars and researchers with high achievements and influence in their field can apply for a golden visa if they receive a recommendation from the Emirates Scholars Council.

Potential Golden Visa applicants in this category must have a PhD or Master’s degree in engineering, technology, or natural and biological sciences from top universities in the world, as well as significant research achievements.

Researchers and experts at the level of president or CEO or experts in business and enterprise management may also be eligible for a golden visa if they can prove that they are classified as skilled workers at the first or second professional level approved by the Ministry of Human Rights. Resources and Emirates from:.

5. Professionals

Professional or highly skilled workers with high educational qualifications and work experience can also apply for a golden visa. This category covers many disciplines such as medicine, science and engineering, information technology, business and administration, education, law, culture, and social sciences.

The application is subject to an employment contract in the UAE and is classified at the first or second professional level according to the Ministry of Human Resources and the Emirates. In addition, the candidate must have at least a bachelor’s degree, and his salary must be 30,000 DH (monthly) or more.

6. Eyewitness students and alumni

Excellent and high achievers in the UAE secondary school system, as well as outstanding graduates from UAE universities, are eligible to apply. This also applies to high-achieving candidates from the world’s 100 best universities.

There are several requirements, including academic performance/cumulative grade point average, year of graduation, and university placement.

Students from the world’s best universities with an average of at least 3.5 can apply for a golden visa. Meanwhile, if you are a student at an accredited university in the UAE, you must have a letter from your school stating that your GPA is not less than 3.8.

High school students with a high school GPA of at least 95 percent from public or private schools are also eligible. The families of these students will also be included in the visa.

7. Humanitarian pioneers

A Golden Visa applicant who has pioneered humanitarian work can fall under a variety of criteria, from being an outstanding worker in a humanitarian organization to voluntary humanitarian work.

If any of the following apply to your humanitarian work, you may be eligible for a Golden Visa:

  • You have worked for international and regional organizations for at least five years.
  • You have been a member or part-time employee of a civic association or an institution of public interest for at least five years.
  • You received an award from a local, regional, or international organization specializing in humanitarian work.
  • You are an outstanding humanitarian volunteer with at least five years of service or at least 500 hours of work.
  • You funded humanitarian work worth at least 2 million dinars.
  • The minister suggested you as a pioneer in humanitarian work.
  • You have a suitable university education and meet other conditions set by the ministry or the competent authority.

8. Heroes of the first line

Healthcare workers and all other frontline workers helping in emergency situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic can also apply for the UAE Golden Visa.

How do I apply for a UAE Golden Visa?

Do you fall into any of the above categories? Congratulations! You may be on your way to a golden UAE visa!

Still not sure how you fit into these categories? The easiest way to find out if you are eligible to apply is to use this UAE government eligibility tool.

Then go to the Gold Services section of the same website to request a nomination.

What benefits and privileges do I have with a golden visa?

With a golden visa, you only get a long-term stay.

There are a number of benefits and privileges that are not currently available to holders of a standard UAE residency visa.

In general, the benefits include:

1. Extended right of residence

Anyone holding a Golden Residency Visa for themselves and their dependents is granted a UAE residency visa for up to ten years, while the Standard Residency Visa requires renewal every two to three years.

2. Self-employment or residence

UAE Gold Visa holders can remain in the country to live, work, and study for the duration of their visa, with or without obtaining local or other employment. The owner can work for himself or another company (local or otherwise) without the need for individual sponsorship. Unlike the standard residence visa, the UAE golden visa allows holders to stay in the country for a longer period of time without employment.

3. The possibility to sponsor a family and an unlimited number of housekeepers

The UAE Gold Visa allows the sole proprietor to sponsor members of his family, including his spouse and children (regardless of the age of the dependents).

If the main holder of the UAE Gold Visa dies within ten years of the visa, his family members are allowed to remain in the specified residence of the UAE Gold Visa until the natural expiration of the visa.

Holders of this type of visa can also employ and support an unlimited number of domestics. The UAE Golden Visa does not limit the number of employees and sponsored grants.

4. Extended time outside the UAE

UAE Golden Visa holders can spend extended periods outside the UAE without affecting their visa eligibility or validity.

With a standard residence visa, your visa will be canceled if you spend more than six months outside the jurisdiction.

5. Exclusive health packages

In late July, it was announced that UAE Gold Visa holders can take advantage of special health and wellness insurance packages. These exclusive health insurance plans start at just below AMD 2400. The programs will cover damages up to AMD 20,000,000. Three levels of coverage will be available: Core Silver, Enhanced Gold, and Premier.

6. Dubai Police Esaad Privilege Card

In a statement released in late July 2023, it was announced that UAE Gold Visa holders will now be eligible for an Essaad Concession Card issued by the Dubai Police.

The Esaad card was launched in 2017 by Dubai Police to offer holders discounts in shopping, education, healthcare, housing, restaurants, theme parks, hotels, and more. Exclusive discounts for 7237 brands and companies across the UAE and 92 countries worldwide.

This card entitles holders and residents of the UAE Gold Visa to special benefits, including up to a 40 percent discount on tuition at the American School of Creative Sciences, a 70 percent discount on the top of the Burj Khalifa, and domestic and international hotel discounts. and much more.

For a full list of available discounts, owners can visit the Esaad website or download the app.

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