How to Get a Job in Dubai: 7 Secrets From Dubai Recruiters

Many people find their careers in Dubai blocked by long searches, dead ends, and false starts. This does not have to be your experience. Focus on the 10 secrets below to ensure your job search in Dubai in 2023 is successful.

  1. Don’t overdo it. 
  2. Apply at the right time of year.
  3. Work with top recruiters in Dubai. 
  4. Use billboards in Dubai. 
  5. Customize your Dubai CV for every job application.
  6. Optimize your LinkedIn profile for Dubai. 
  7. Get a local number in Dubai.

Let’s begin!

1. Don’t apply for too many positions.

This may sound counterintuitive, but it is very important. You might think that the more jobs you apply for, the more likely it is. This is not the case; applying for too many jobs in Dubai can actually work against you.

You are not suitable for all roles. Even if you are a salesperson, not all sales jobs in Dubai are right for you. Recruiters in Dubai have very specific requirements for the positions they fill.

Companies in Dubai want to hire people who have exactly the skills and experience they need. So don’t apply for positions you are not eligible for; you are wasting your time. So what should you do instead?

Targeted access

Start your job search in Dubai by selecting your target area and role. This allows you to only apply for positions for which you are at least 80% qualified.

Be aware of language requirements, professional qualifications, educational requirements, and specific regional experience. Do not apply for a position that requires speaking Arabic if you only speak English.

When you apply for positions that aren’t right for you, you’ll be frustrated by the lack of positive feedback. You also give Dubai recruiters the impression that you are going to waste their time.

2. Look for jobs in Dubai at the right time of the year.

Nothing prevents you from finding a job in Dubai at any time of the year. But there are months in Dubai when hiring practically stops. There are also months when employment is high.

When is the best time of year to apply for a job in Dubai?

January and February are the two best months to find a job in Dubai. March, April, and May are also busy months. These are the months when you should focus most of your job search in Dubai.

What are the worst months to find a job in Dubai?

June, July, and August are the worst months to find a job in Dubai. There is a big drop in jobs in the summer months.

3. Work with the best recruitment agencies in Dubai.

Dubai is full of recruitment agencies and recruitment consultants.

There are two reasons to work with recruitment agencies in Dubai.

  1. The best recruiters in Dubai have a wide network of connections. They can use this network to help you land a big role.
  2. Recruiters in Dubai understand the market and help you navigate it. If you have no previous experience in Dubai, this knowledge is essential.

How many recruiters in Dubai will you be working with?

Try not to work with too many recruiters looking for jobs in Dubai. Instead, find one or two who specialize in your industry. There are some good recruitment agencies in Dubai, but there are also some bad ones. You must avoid the bad ones at all costs.

A good recruiter will not only help you find your first role but also help you get promotions in the future. Provided you maintain a good relationship with them.

You should start by downloading our PDF guide for established temp agencies. All organizations listed in this source are well-known and respected.

The job postings listed in this guide are listed by activity. This will help you connect with the right job search experts. ‍

4. Use billboards in Dubai.

Yes, you should use Dubai notice boards, but you need to learn how to use them correctly. Don’t sit around applying for every job that comes along. It can be tempting, but remember rule number one: don’t apply for too many jobs!

Job boards in Dubai can be very useful for conducting research. You can gather a lot of useful information on job boards in Dubai.

How to use job boards to find work in Dubai

1. Vacancies in Dubai are good for research.

You can use job boards to identify organizations that are hiring. Are these organizations on your target list? These are the companies you can contact directly. You can also see which recruitment companies are hiring for your target positions. In addition, you get an impression of salary levels and benefits.

2. Use Dubai job boards to find recruitment agencies in Dubai.

By creating a profile, they are more likely to find you and contact you.

3. Use Dubai job boards to search for jobs in Dubai.

Make daily searches and search for jobs that suit you best. Make sure you meet at least 80% of the requirements before clicking apply. Don’t feel comfortable signing up for anything and everything. Remember to be targeted in your approach.

5. Customize your Dubai CV for every job application.

Before you decide this sounds like too much work, remember rule number one. You are not applying for hundreds of positions. You only apply for positions that suit you.

This means you can spend a little more time on each application. The best way to get a job in Dubai is to put quality over quantity. Trust me, it works.

Instead of searching for jobs in Dubai and LinkedIn 10–20 times a day, you will find 1-2 good positions. Take the time now to tailor your resume to each of these programs. When a recruiter in Dubai opens your CV, he or she must immediately see that you are a good fit for the position.

6. Optimize your LinkedIn profile for Dubai.

Want to know the best way to find a job in Dubai? Optimize your LinkedIn profile and stay active on the platform. Most employees and recruiters in Dubai use LinkedIn. Additionally, 50% of the UAE population is on LinkedIn! When a company or recruiter wants to find talent in Dubai, they turn to LinkedIn.

To get a job in Dubai, make sure your LinkedIn profile is 100% complete and up-to-date. Remember that recruiters and HR teams are looking for keywords to find you.

I recommend using the tool called Scanning of Vacancies (ad) when you update LinkedIn for Dubai. Jobscan scans your LinkedIn and compares it to your proposed job description. You will then be told which keywords to add and where to add them. 

Make sure these seven sections of your LinkedIn profile are complete:

1.Cover image 
2.LinkedIn banners 
3. Address; 4. About the chapter; 5. Experience section 
6. Skills Section 
7. Contact information

7. Get a local number in Dubai.

As soon as I got a local number in Dubai, recruiters started calling me. Later, I heard that Dubai recruiters prefer candidates who are already active in the field. If a company can hire a candidate who is already in the country, it saves on transport costs.

It is also less risky. A local candidate is much less likely to abandon the hiring process and be reluctant to relocate. The Dubai number on your CV and LinkedIn profile sends a clear message that you are ready for the job interview.

This is a good tip if you plan to apply for a job in Dubai while on a visa. You can visit a local DU or Etisalat store in one of Dubai’s many malls and buy a local prepaid SIM card. Don’t forget to bring your passport, as you will need ID to get a local number. Then update your LinkedIn, CV, and online profiles with the new number.


Finding a job in Dubai doesn’t have to be a frustrating and complicated process. Many thousands of people do this every year! I hope you find this article useful. When you do, share it with your network!

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