How to apply for UK Student Visa Step-by-step process

Obtaining a UK student visa is an important part of the journey towards completing your studies in Britain. Applying for a UK visa can be a tricky process, especially if you are unfamiliar with the UK visa requirements and important application dates.

In this article, we will help you find out everything you need to know about applying for a UK student visa. Your IDP advisor will also help you with the application process and provide you with the latest information on UK visa requirements. So don’t forget to talk to them !

A guide to applying for a UK student visa !

Do students from the EU and the UK need a visa ?

If you are an EU student, you do not need a visa to study or enter Britain. At the same time, it is important to know that there may be changes to EU student visa rules in the near future. This is currently the position.

UK visa for non-EU students

If you are a student from outside the European Union, you must study in Great Britain. There are two types of visas. What is needed depends on the length of your study program. Both visas have different application forms.

If you apply to a UK institution and are accepted, they will send you a reference number called the Confirmation of Acceptance of Study (CAS). This is a very important document, as it is very important for your visa application.

Once you have received your CAS, you will need to complete the following 3 steps to apply for a UK visa :

Step 1 : Complete the online application and pay the costs

Step 2 : Go to a UK visa application centre and have your fingerprints taken.

Step 3 : Gather supporting evidence and print the application.

What information does your CAS letter contain ?

CAS is a very important electronic document that contains confidential information. This contains your personal data, information about your education and the benefit amount. In one section of the CAS document, you must show all of your current academic qualifications, such as a high school transcript or a high school diploma. Pour utiliser cette feature, you must have original documents.

In addition, you may be required to take an English language test, such as the IELTS test, as part of your application. If an English test is required, this will be noted on your form. You must attach this CAS form to the final application.

Student Visa (short study visa)

Students avec un programme de plus de six mois requièrent a so-called student visa or short-term study visa in Great Britain. Students in possession de ce visa can entrer en Grande-Bretagne une semaine avant la start date de leur programme. You can apply for this visitor visa online up to three months before you plan to enter Britain.

Student Travel Visa

You need this visa if your program lasts longer than six months. If the educational institution where you plan to study has a permit to support student travel, you can obtain this visa. You need 40 out of 40 points in the UK visa system to get a student visa.

If you want to know how the UK visa points system works, you should know that the first 30 points come from your CAS document. Your CAS information and other supporting documents will cover these points. The remaining 10 points come from annual accounts that show that you can fully finance yourself durant vos études.

Ideally, you should apply for this visa 3 mois avant le début de votre course et 6 mois après avoir reçu votre CAS. Il est important que vous restez dans votre pays quand vous appliquez pour ce visa.

La première part de cette visa application requires you to compléter an online application form.

If you are applying for a Masters or PhD, you will also need to provide an additional document called the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS). If you need to apply for a master’s or doctoral program, you must do so one month before the visa application.

Brit interview

UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) requires a confidential interview to ensure that only ‘genuine students’ are granted a student visa to study in Britain. As part of your visa application, you may be asked to attend a confidential interview. In this case, it is useful to know that UKVI usually takes the following points into account :

  • Your reasons for coming to Britain.
  • Your educational history, academic and graduation plans
  • Your immigration history in Britain and elsewhere
  • Your personal and financial situation.
  • If you have des familles qui plannent de vous rejoindre en Grande-Bretagne, leurs circonstances seront aussi prises en compte.

Your in-house migration advisor will help you know what to expect and how to prepare for the job interview with confidence.

UK visa application online

Pour appliquer for the above visas, you must complete an online form and create an account avec a valid email address. The visa application fee of £348 must be payed immediately après completing the application form. You will then need to go to the nearest visa center where you will be photographed and fingerprinted.

After making an appointment, you must go to the visa center at least ten minutes avant le début de la procédure. This is a très important part of the process, so make sure you dress appropriately. Make sure you don’t have any cuts on your face or fingers as this can give a bad impression. Also cover up any tattoos you have. Once completed, you will receive a document que vous devez envoyer avec la completed application.

Important documents for a British visa

During the application procedure, you will need the following important documents :

  • Passport DETAILS
  • CAS number
  • English test results
  • Original academic documents listed in your CAS
  • Financial information, such as tuition fees
  • TOP Certificate (if hai)
  • Translation of important documents (if available)

Also, make sure you have a credit card avec laquelle you can pay the costs.

Here are some other things (in addition to the above) you will need when applying for a visa :

  • Biometric information
  • Two passport photos
  • Proof of financing
  • Bank statement
  • Information about your sponsor

Once you have submitted toute cette information, you will have to wait three weeks before a decision is made and announced. We wish you good luck with your studies.

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