Canada Family Sponsorship Immigration Overview

The family group in Canada is the second largest immigrant group, making it an important resource for newcomers.

Citizens and permanent residents over the age of 18 can sponsor other families to become Canadian citizens and allow them to live, study and work here.

Requirements for family support :

To be a sponsor : 

  • You must be over 18 years of age.
  • You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident or a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.
  • You and the sponsored family member must sign a support agreement that allows you to provide financial support to your family member, if needed. L’accord aussi states qu’une personne vivant sur la terre doit tenter d’en faire un revenu.
  • Depending on the person you are helping, some may work.

How you can help

  • Husband, wife or partner
  • Your dependent children
  • Your parents and grandparents
  • Your brothers or sisters, your nephews or nieces, your nephews or nieces qui sont widowed, under 18 and single or related to the state.
  • Another relative regardless of age or relationship, but only for certaines reasons
  • Les autres sont accompagnés de relatives d’above.

Definition :

Male – You are married if you are married to your sponsor and your marriage is légalement valid.

Legal Partner – You are a same-sex or same-sex civil partner if you have been in a partnership continuously for one year (a period of 12 continuous months). You must have proof that you and your partner have reconciled your relationship and started a family.

Wife – This group is for people who are not of the same sex, or of the same sex, when some circumstances that they could not afford prevented them from living together, and therefore they are not fit to enter into marriage or marriage.

Dependent children A son or daughter is dependent if the child :

  • UNDER 22 and single ;
  • Is over 22 years of age and was dependent on parental financial support due to physical or mental illness before turning 22.

Work permit for spouse

Spouses qui sont au Canada may be allowed to work on a spousal permit while their immigration applications are being processed.

They must be spouses or partners when applying for a work permit.

  • La réelle relation et leur assistant
  • Part of the residence application, and have an acceptance letter (AOR) confirming that their application for permanent residence is being processed.
  • They live in Canada avec leur sponsor.

When using a spouse’s PR application, they must :

  • Have a temporary residence permit in Canada, in 
  • Wait for their work to be approved before starting work.
  • If they already have a work permit that has expired, they can continue to work as long as they are still working.

Supporting roles

All sponsors must sign a commitment to provide the sponsored person with basic needs from the day they enter Canada until the end of the commitment. An agreement is an agreement between the sponsor and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that the sponsor will reimburse the government for all costs of supporting the sponsored person. The partners remain bound by the commitment contract for the duration of the contract, even if things change, such as the end of the marriage, separation, divorce or financial changes in the relationship.

In the case of a spouse, partner or common-law partner, the sponsor must sign an agreement to reimburse the state or the government from the date of stay for a period of three (3) years.

Pour a dépendant enfant sous l’âge de 22, a dépendant enfant ou a spouse, a spouse ou a dépendant, liability begins on the day the child has stayed in Canada for approximately 10 years. The child turns 30 +, each of the two has already happened. Dans la province de Québec, les heures pour ce job varient.

If it is a dependent child over the age of 22, a dependent child or a spouse, partner or spouse, the obligation begins on the day on which the dependent child has had permanent residence for a period of three (3) years.

Pour parents et grandparents, the maintenance obligation lasts for 20 ans, from the day the family member becomes permanent. Pour tous les autres membres, le mandat applique pour 10 ans.

In its 2011 decision in Attorney General of Canada v. Mavi, the Supreme Court of Canada said that while a donor’s responsibility to return money earned by their family members can be terminated in some cases, it cannot be removed. In all books.

Sponsors residing outside of Canada

Canadian citizens living outside Canada can support their spouses, partners or dependent children without their children who have not been convicted of physical harm if they can demonstrate that they will remain in Canada after the dependents have been full citizens. .

Permanent residents abroad cannot support their families outside of Canada. Must be in Canada at the time the grant is awarded.

In addition, a Canadian spouse or partner can claim spousal support in Canada, if they live in Canada ; otherwise, the application must be sent through the visa office. These areas présentent différents challenges pour les providers.

Sponsors and supported persons in Quebec :

Guarantor:You can sponsor a close family member who has not been charged with bodily harm if you are a Canadian citizen or resident of Quebec, 18 years of age and meet the requirements.

Supported person (close relatives) : You can help :

  • Your spouse, business partner
  • Your dependent child
  • Your father, mother, grandfather or great-grandmother – additional information applies.
  • Your orphaned brother, sister, nephew, niece, nephew or grandchild qui est sous l’age de 18 et qui n’est pas marié ou related to the state.
  • The child you wish to adopt (international adoption).

For those in Québec, the project includes helping beneficiaries learn French and find jobs in the provincial government.

If the sponsor is between 18 and 55 years of age, the sponsor must complete and sign the admission form and attach section 9 of the commitment form. 

2 thoughts on “Canada Family Sponsorship Immigration Overview”

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