7 Benefits of Being a Permanent Resident in Canada

The Canadian Institute of Citizenship says Statistics Canada data shows a 40% decline in citizenship use since 2001.

While StatCan did not give a reason for the decline in citizenship, one commenter said the high cost of living and lack of job opportunities were likely factors.

It can be

Personally, I think there are two big reasons why the numbers are likely to drop: China is India. Both countries have become major sources of immigration for Canada, but neither allows dual citizenship. This makes the citizenship decision somewhat more difficult for citizens of these countries than for a citizen from, for example, Italy, Germany, or the United States, which allow dual citizenship.

I’ve also heard from people that getting citizenship isn’t a big deal since becoming a permanent resident is the same as being a Canadian citizen, so why bother with the process?

I do not agree. As an immigrant citizen, in my opinion, permanent residents should apply for citizenship if they are eligible, and the sooner the better. I think the pros outweigh the cons, especially if they agree to have dual citizenship.

1. They can evict permanent residents.

This is the big one. If you are convicted of this serious crime, you can lose your PR status and be kicked out of Canada.

Parliament defines as a serious crime what involves apossible A crime punishable by imprisonment of more than 10 years or more than six months.

Therefore, remember that, from an immigration point of view, the crime is much more important than the punishment. E.g., drinking and driving is considered a serious crime. Even if you only have probation and a driving ban, you can get a restraining order. If this happens,

  • You are permanently prohibited from returning to Canada, and you cannot claim a refund.
  • If border officials charge you to get out of Canada, you must also pay that price before you can get a refund.

“But I’m a good person,” you might say. “None of that matters to me.”

Fair enough. Keep in mind that an extra glass of wine, an argument in a parking lot, or anything else that could cause trouble can have serious consequences for your immigration status.

Important: These rules also apply if you commit a crime outside Canada; this would be considered a “serious crime” in Canada. So while visiting relatives back home, or at almost any resort, make sure you stay within the law.

2. Permanent residents must be in Canada.

Or at least they should be well present. While a Canadian citizen can travel as much as they want without worrying about the situation at home, permanent residents must keep track of their days.

Bottom line:You must have been in Canada for a minimum of 730 million in the last five years; otherwise, you may lose your PR status.

Two scenarios:

Let’s say you are from France and are a permanent resident residing in Toronto. You don’t have to worry about getting dual citizenship because being a RP is pretty much the same, right? When you visit Paris, you have a good job offer. The boss says you can start next week. So you have to tell the French company to physically present in Canada for a total of two years over the next five years. Is the job still yours?

How are you feeling when a family member is ill? Let’s say you’ve been traveling in Canada for a few years. Then you get the dreaded call that someone at home is sick. You want to go home to take care of them, but your mind is already on the schedule. How many days have you smoked? How much do you have left to spend? How much will it cost to fly round-trip while meeting your PR needs?

Eliminate stress. Citizenship allows you to be more flexible when life throws you a good or bad surprise.

3. Permanent residents cannot vote.

Don’t you like the mayor? Do you want another prime minister? You may not be a politician, but you may want to have an influence on how your society is run. Right now,this is not possible for permanent residents. They cannot vote in municipal, provincial, or federal elections. Only Canadian citizens can do this. The same applies if you want to run.

4. The Canadian passport is powerful.

Permanent residents do not have a Canadian passport. It’s a shame because the Canadian passport is one of the most useful passports in the world. It allows you to travel without a visa to 180 countries.

Cross the border into the US. It is very easy to get a Canadian passport, and Canadian citizens can stay in the US for a maximum period of six months. Conversely, if you are an Australian or British PR citizen who has lived in Canada for 30 years, you must apply for an ESTA to cross the US border, and the maximum stay is 90 days.

5. The Canadian passport is secure.

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia shows what can happen to a passport if a country conforms to world opinion.

Today, Russia has asked for a ban on its citizens from participating in tennis tournaments. I The Olympic doctor. There were no relationships in which pregnant Russian women traveled to Argentina to give birth there, with the child guaranteed Argentine citizenship. Banks give further investigation To the citizens of Russia: Russia has too many reasons not to renew their citizens’ passports if they fall out of favor with the Russian government. In short, the Russian passport has become unreliable.

As things stand today, it’s hard to imagine the Canadian passport losing its luster anytime soon. Getting a Canadian passport means securing peace.

6. Citizens may be outside of Canada while sponsoring a spouse.

I will be handling several spousal protection cases. One surprise for permanent residents is that they must be physically present in Canada to sponsor a foreign spouse in Canada. They cannot live abroad when they apply.

In the previous example, we talked about a permanent resident in France who returns home to look for work. Suppose this person falls in love with someone while living in Paris. They will not be able to sponsor this spouse in Canada while living in France.

Meanwhile, a Canadian citizen can start the process regardless of where they live if the couple can show they intend to live in Canada.

7. Children born outside Canada to Canadian parents are Canadian.

A child born outside of Canada to a Canadian parent is automatically a citizen if they are the first generation born outside of Canada.

Meanwhile, a child born to a permanent resident outside of Canada must go through the permanent residency and citizenship processes. If you are outside of Canada and have a child, your child will not be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada.

Of course, if your child is born in Canada, it doesn’t matter. They are Canadian by birth, with a few exceptions, and the children of diplomats.

Become a citizen as soon as possible.

If you are a permanent resident of Canada who has lived in Canada for 3 of the last 5 years, then it is good to be eligible for citizenship.

My advice is to become a citizen as soon as possible, especially if your country allows dual citizenship. Contact me for a chat and start the process.

Marwa Badra is a certified member of the Immigration Regulatory Council of Canada (ICCRC) and has been with Pace Immigration for over 16 years. He specializes in business and investor immigration. Marwa is fluent in Arabic and English and has traveled extensively in and around the Middle East, with a particular focus on Egypt. Sean Berry contributed to this article.

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